
ICF致力于发展战略,帮助我们为客户提供更好的服务和更深入的专业知识. 我们寻求与拥有强大文化和战略契合度的领先公司合作的机会, 帮助扩大我们的黄金城产品,并支持我们以客户为中心的解决方案. 迄今为止,我们的战略收购帮助我们巩固了在对我们的客户和我们所服务的黄金城至关重要的关键市场上的领先地位和可持续地位.

In 2023, ICF acquired:

  • CMY Solutions (CMY), 一家专注于可再生能源规划的电力和能源工程公司, utility data analytics, and system modeling to help modernize the grid.

In 2022, ICF acquired:

  • Creative Systems and Consulting (Creative), IT现代化和数字化转型解决方案的供应商.S. federal agencies. Creative's expertise in Salesforce, Microsoft, and ServiceNow platforms, 补充了ICF的ServiceNow和Appian功能.
  • SemanticBits, a premier partner to U.S. 使用开源框架提供全套可扩展数字现代化服务的联邦卫生机构, 包括端到端的大规模敏捷开发能力, cloud-native solutions, data analytics and human-centered design.
  • Blanton & Associates, Inc., an environmental consulting, 总部位于奥斯汀的规划和项目管理公司, Texas, 这为环境法规遵从和运输许可提供了成熟的领域专业知识, renewable energy, water and resource management sectors.

In 2021, ICF acquired two companies:

  • Enterprise Science and Computing (ESAC), a provider of advanced health analytics, 研究数据管理和生物信息学解决方案.S. federal health agencies. 将ICF的健康和社会服务与ESAC的健康技术解决方案和对基因组学的应用理解相结合, 蛋白质组学和物理科学推动了ICF的数字健康解决方案.  
  • Eco-Tech, 一家生态咨询公司,帮助客户获得道路建设和维护所需的环境文件, rail lines, airports, and other supporting infrastructure. Eco-Tech's trusted reputation in the eastern U.S. 补充了ICF与联邦和州监管机构的牢固关系.

In 2020, ICF acquired one company:

  • Incentive Technology Group, LLC (ITG)是一家为美国企业提供云平台服务的公司.S. federal government. The combination of ICF’s strategic consulting, 凭借ITG的数字化能力,分析和领域专业知识可帮助各机构构建和开发满足其任务所需的技术平台.

In 2018, ICF acquired two companies:

  • DMS灾难咨询公司是一家灾难规划和恢复服务公司. DMS能力增强和增强了ICF的灾害响应能力, recovery and preparedness work in the public sector.
  • 我们是Vista,一家英国领先的创意传播机构. 我们正在Vista加强ICF在通信战略方面的工作, research, digital engagement, content development, design and art direction.

In 2017, ICF acquired one company:

  • The Future Customer, 这是一家总部位于伦敦的忠诚度战略和营销公司, that provides advisory capabilities, 为零售客户提供以设计和体验为中心的思维, media, mobile, energy and health.

In 2014, ICF acquired three companies:

  • Olson, 是一家总部位于美国的整合营销技术和数字服务提供商.S.) and Canada. Olson提供包括通信在内的客户体验解决方案, design, advertising, digital and branding services.
  • CITYTECH Inc., 一家专注于企业网络体验管理的全球技术咨询公司, digital strategy, mobile development, cloud enablement, and managed services and support.
  • Mostra SA, a leading communications agency based in Brussels, Belgium, 这为我们的政策工作提供了战略沟通能力.

In 2012, ICF acquired GHK Holdings Limited, 总部位于伦敦的咨询公司,在欧洲和亚洲设有办事处,这大大增加了我们的全球影响力,并增加了我们在环境等核心ICF领域的能力, health, education, social programs, logistics, and international development.

In 2011, ICF acquired two companies:

  • Ironworks Consulting, L.L.C., 提供策略的交互式网络开发公司, technology, 并在设计服务上进行规模化发展, complex technology projects.
  • Marbek Resource Consultants Ltd.,加拿大领先的能源和环境咨询公司,帮助加强了我们在能源效率方面的地位, renewable energy, and pollution prevention programs.

In 2009, ICF acquired two companies:

  • Macro International Inc.是一家咨询、实施和评估服务公司,为美国企业提供基于研究的解决方案.S. 卫生和其他领域的联邦政府机构.
  • Jacob & Sundstrom, Inc., 一家专门为美国企业提供网络安全和身份管理服务的技术安全公司.S. federal civilian and defense agencies.

In 2008, ICF acquired Jones & Stokes, an integrated planning and resource management firm, 在包括交通运输在内的战略增长领域拓展了我们的环保能力和产品, energy, climate change, and water resources.  

In 2007, ICF acquired four companies:

  • Energy and Environmental Analysis (EEA), Inc., based in Arlington, Virginia, 提高了我们在天然气等替代燃料方面的能力, 在影响温室气体排放的汽车排放和燃油效率技术方面.
  • 高级绩效咨询集团(APCG),一家位于华盛顿特区的公司.C., 咨询公司提高了我们在联邦组织绩效方面的能力, human capital, and strategic communications consulting.
  • Z-Tech Corporation, based in Rockville, Maryland, 在卫生信息和卫生技术服务方面的领先地位,扩大了我们开发更有效的卫生信息技术的能力, health communications, health policy analysis, and health information clearinghouses.
  • SH&E, 世界上最大的航空运输咨询公司之一, helped position our firm as a leader in airline, airport, and aviation industry consulting. 这大大加强了我们与联邦政府的交通服务, state, and industry clients.

In 2005, ICF acquired two companies:

  • Synergy, Inc., a leading provider of strategic planning, analysis, 以及国防指挥和控制方面的技术解决方案, operations, and logistics.
  • Caliber Associates, an established leader in providing research, consulting, 在人力服务和人力资源问题上的创新, primarily to U.S. federal clients.

In 2002, ICF acquired two divisions of Arthur D. Little: Global Environment & 风险(美洲)和公共部门项目管理.

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